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Meet the team

Dear Students, 

I believe in you.

I trust in you.

You are listened to.

You are cared for.

You are important.

You will succeed.

-Mrs. Moss

Kristie Moss
Media Specialist 

This is my 20th year of teaching and my 3rd year at Pickens High School.  I am very excited to be here and hope that I will be an asset to the students and staff here at PHS.  My husband and I are lifelong residents of Pickens County and I am a Dragon alumni - Class of '89. Reading is one of my favorite hobbies.  Books can take you any place that you wish to go.


"It's not the years in your life that counts but the life in your years. "- Abraham Lincoln 

Tammy Stancil
Media Clerk

I have been the Media Clerk at PHS for 5 years.  Reading has always been a favorite past-time of mine.  I enjoy being able to help students find books.  Books lead to many different adventures. 


"Be a little kinder than you have to." - E. Lockhart


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